Sunday, July 17, 2016

July 17 2016

It has been a very long time since I have last written two years ago. Lots has happened and I am saddened that I haven't kept up. This is me attempting to become better!
My children have growen and keep on growing. Briggs is going into grade 7 he has had a great first year of middle school. Not without his challenges he broke is collar bone and tore his AC in his first football game of the season. It prevented him from doing cross country and and playing football and for us to do a 4 day float trip down the green river in Utah. It was 3 days away. But he made new friends and strengthened old friends. He gave up soccer this year and it has been hard on me because he was so good!! He loves football and basketball and then soccer and cross country. He has just become a YM and got to go on his first scout camp. He went to Waterton and hiked the triple crown. He loved it and came home really really tired. A sign of a good camp.

Nyla is going into grade 5 and is a great gal. She is a strong student and a great leader and friend. She is still playing violin and is doing really well at it and has fallen in love with basketball. It has been fun to watch her grow and develop.

Benson is going into grade 3. He loves to play with Hannah and pretty much anyone that wants to have fun. He is ray of joy. He try's to be such a good boy and loved getting baptized. He is speaking so much better and is doing well in school. Things don't come easy for him but he always works hard and try's his best.

Hannah is going into kindergarten in the fall. She could of gone last year but we decided that she shouldn't go and be he youngest the afternoon before kindergarten started. She is excitted and ready to go now. I will miss my little buddy.

Trevor has switched jobs since the last time I wrote. He now works for the city of lethbridge as the GM of all the IT there. He got this job 2 years ago and it has been a really good move for him. He has room for growth and as a bonus his salary doubled!! He has been the 2nd counsellor in YM and the last 2.5yrs he was YM president. Trev truly loves YMs and it was really painful when he was released 3 days before Briggs turned 12. I actually had a really hard time with this, and told
the bishopric that I was hurt and disappointed as I was expecting Trev to be there for a safe place for Briggs to fall.  The bishop wanted to see me that Sunday and to give me a new calling but Trev said that it might not be the best day as she is really upset that I am being released today. But this could be really good for Briggs as well. It will just have thrown off my mojo of Tuesday nights and Sunday morning meetings. The whole 9yeara we have lived here in fairmont Ward he has never been home Tuesday's and Sunday mornings. This will something new, and to add salt to the wound he no longer has keys to the church.

I have been trying to find a balance for me and have been having a hard time with friends and finding my place. I have some really great friends and some friends that I have had to close off because I didn't agree with the way they were living their lives. After 13 years I have found a little job being a front end recpetionist at the steeds dr. Office. So far this is only one morning a week and I am really excitted about it. I am hoping that I can make it through this year and then make it more hours next year. I am working on finding my hobbies again and rediscovering new ones. I have been taking parenting classes to help better myself as a parent to increase my realationship with my children. Some days I am on point but most days I fail! I love them but I have been feeling like there is a weight on my shouldersI have just been released from teaching Nyla's primary class for the last 2 years. I have taught her for a totally of 4 years. I love those kids and would love to be in yw wirh Her.    I now am a teacher in relief society.  Eek! I have never taught adults before. I had my first lesson today and it was on the importance of temples. I thought that it went really well. We will see if we can keep this trend going.

Our family has done some really fun things over the last 2 years. We have gone skiing for a week each year at reading week. We have gone biking on the white rim trail in Moab Utah. That was amazing. We have bikes the Hiawatha trail. We have gone to conference and BYU football games. We always spend a week or two in Kalispell in the summer going rafting and meeting up with friends to go boating. We had planned to float the green river in Utah last year but at the very last second we were unable to because Briggs hurt himself. Trev and I were able to be mas and pas last year at trek and that was a great experience. Unfortunately/fortunately we were in the middle of a drought and all of southern Alberta fasted for rain that weekend and the rains did came. We stayed dry but a couple of other families did not and trek ended early. I had HUGE blisters on my feet so bad that I was unable to wear my shoes for the whole summer

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